APEX International Institute - Sri Lanka

APEX International Institute is truly a place that provides exactly as they promise. I'm writing this article with my own personal experience at APEX, and I'm confidently sharing these words without any doubts. Before we start, APEX is not a place that is focused on monetary benefits, but about the kids, the future of the children of Sri Lanka. 

Full credit of it goes to the founder of APEX, Dr. Shanika Perera. Actually the foundation to APEX was the childhood of Dr. Shanika. According to the exclusive interview with Dr. Shanika, she used to a very hyperactive girl who most of the times did the opposite of what she has been asked to do.

"I always had many questions like 'why the table is made to keep the book and the chair to sit. Why can't we sit on the table?', 'why are we always told what to do?', 'Why hyperactive kids don't get to be active doing thing they enjoy?', 'why do people with disabilities get treated differently in bad ways sometimes?' likewise. So, I always had the desire of being a head of a school like above to being happiness to those kind of kids & people as well. So, the outcome of that desire is what APEX is today."

APEX allows children to play, enjoy and be happy. A child should get his education in a place where Love, Care, Happiness, is presented. So, at APEX, everyone learning while enjoying. 

APEX name in the logo is written in a messy font. According to studies, the speed of the brain is greater than the speed of the hand. So, when we take time to write nicely curved letters, our brain gets trained to perform in that speed. Instead, what we teach is to take the hand in the speed of the brain. That's what have been represented through the messy handwriting in the APEX logo.

To become a true leader, both the physical & mental performance is required. That's why at APEX, students get to engage with many different kinds of activities that keeps them physically active. On the other hand, their brains/ their mind also get exercised from the training they are being given by the APEX trainers. Meanwhile, students are also being taught behavioral skills that makes anyone a real human with human qualities. Making students to honestly appreciate another, share anything with anyone, and care about others around them are some of them. 

There are many ways of training leadership skills. One of the most critical skills that a leader should have is the ability to make QUICK & CORRECT decisions. These kind of skills cannot be taught or be trained by reading a book or by listening to a lecture. The brain need to be trained for these kind of skills. To train the brain for them, mechanisms like, Brain Gym, Abacus training, Midbrain training & etc. can be used. Further details about these mechanisms please visit www.apex.lk

APEX has proved these mechanisms and that it is one of the best leadership training academies in Sri Lanka providing an amazing service for the children of the country. Something special about this institute is that, Dr. Shanika only accepts 'genetically Sri Lankan' students only. The reason she mentioned was something like below.

"I am proud to say that I'm a Sri Lankan. And I love my country. I want to take my country to to it's higher standards by helping the younger generations to become true leaders in the future. I want to bring winners to Sri Lanka. I want to make Sri Lanka shine through the children of the country. Even though, I have received invitations from different countries to serve them, I have rejected those invitations to serve my country."

Just like she stated, APEX has achieved many accomplishments. Runner-up in Sri Lanka's Got Talent, Winner of Sirasa Abiman Waram - Unique Talent category, Mahathma Gandhi Leadership Academy Award, AIAMA Olympiad champion & etc. More of these details can be followed through the official website of APEX Internation Institute (apex.lk).

Hope for the best and wishing a good luck to APEX International Institute for the service they are providing to our mother country.

Official Website: https://apex.lk


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