APEX International Institute - Sri Lanka

APEX International Institute is truly a place that provides exactly as they promise. I'm writing this article with my own personal experience at APEX, and I'm confidently sharing these words without any doubts. Before we start, APEX is not a place that is focused on monetary benefits, but about the kids, the future of the children of Sri Lanka. Full credit of it goes to the founder of APEX, Dr. Shanika Perera . Actually the foundation to APEX was the childhood of Dr. Shanika . According to the exclusive interview with Dr. Shanika , she used to a very hyperactive girl who most of the times did the opposite of what she has been asked to do. "I always had many questions like 'why the table is made to keep the book and the chair to sit. Why can't we sit on the table?', 'why are we always told what to do?', 'Why hyperactive kids don't get to be active doing thing they enjoy?', 'why do people with disabilities get treated differently in bad...